
„Breathable Object“, 2023
100 x 80 x 30 cm
Steel enclosure, inflatable pillow, polyester satin pillowcase with photo print, fan, M5 stack

„Mirrored Tower“, 2023
168 x 30 x 30 cm
One-channel MiniDV video installation, aluminum and mirrored acrylic glass construction, Panasonic MiniDV camcorder, stepper motor 5V, Arduino Nano Duration: 60 min

The installation „Breathable Object“ explores the pregnant belly and human body as a social target and emphasizes both its protection and its limitation.
A steel cage filled with an inflating and deflating pillow mimics the rhythm of human breathing, drawing attention to the complexity of the physical body, as well as its protection from judgment and resulting constriction into predetermined grids.
The pillow itself is covered with silky fabric, which features a photo print of a pregnant belly of my friend.

„Mirrored Tower“: I discovered a family-owned MiniDV tape with the inscription „Zum Übersp.“, which means „To be recorded“. It reminded me of the suggestive effect of memory and perception, which also keeps alive a collective trauma. In the small „watchtower,“ a construction of mirrored plates held by aluminium frames, is a MiniDV video camera that also belonged to my family. It rotates incessantly and reflects endlessly in its upper cabinet.
The small screen of the video camera plays performances I designed to forget, but at the same time to emphasize, a judgmental view through the lens of the camera as well as the constant presence of the photographic medium. The visual sequences focus on the female body, the constant observation, evaluation and categorization.

„Breathable Object“, 2023, „Mirrored Tower“, 2023, installation View
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+++ News 09.2024: From now on this website will act as a photo archive for my photography clients and people who would like to purchase prints can happily request through: or
Photographic portrait and reportage portfolio on request: +++

Gina Bolle is a visual artist and freelance photographer from Munich, DE who currently lives in and runs a studio near Marburg, DE. Her multimedia installations and assemblages deal with the dynamics of control and oppression in intimate spaces. She is particularly interested in the intentions behind certain photographs and the impact of visual memory on each individual. She holds a Master of Arts from ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne.

🤍 Say hi:   +49 162 268 73 40   Instagram: @gina_bolle

Interviews and articles: Innovate Grant 2023: Honorable Mention — Art, Bowie creators: Social Injustice Through The Lens

Exhibitions and residency: Installation, Sculpture and New Media Art Residency at School of Visual Arts, New York City, US; Kunstverein Aichach, DE; dkp / Spülraum, Lucerne, CH; BØWIE Gallery, Geneva, CH; CICA Museum, KR; MiM, Munich, DE; Das Zwo, Munich, DE; amongst others

Nominations and awards: Working grant from Marburg, DE; Nominated for the Förderpreis 2024 der Landeshauptstadt München, DE; nominated for Kunstförderpreis 2023 at Aichacher Kunstverein, DE; Innovate Grant 2023, Honorable Mention; US; Winner Belfast Photofestival category „Photobook“ for „377. Inside India’s Queer Community“, IRL; VG Bildkunst, Neustart Kultur, Scholarship Programme 2021, DE

Photography clients & publications: ZDF Deutschland, Kammerspiele München, ZEIT Verlag, BISS Magazin, DER SPIEGEL, Stadt München, Münchener Biennale, GEO Wissen, Focus Magazin, Goethe Institut, Aktion Mensch, amongst others

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